Brandon's 2nd Birthday, the most recent one, he also got 2 parties! Well, the one at home was very low-key, I'm not sure we should consider it a party in the sense, but anyways, Brandon got to open his presents, help mom make his cake, and then pretty much do whatever he wanted, or that mom knows he likes to do! We went outside to the park and played for a long time, he got in a nap and then he got to eat his finished cake after dinner. So ya, pretty low-key on his actual birthday, but the 2nd party was a bit more exciting because Grandma & Grandpa Omer came, Aunt's Nicole, traci, & Summer came, Uncle Josh and Nicole's friend Andrew were all present. We grilled up some hamburgers, opened some more presents and then played some games. Brandon loved it! Anyways, here are all the pictures :) Enjoy!

those are cool pics, but i thought his birthday was in january, when was the last time you updated this thing?
By: Anonymous on April 4, 2010 at 10:57 PM
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