Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's been way to long!

A whole bunch of stuff has happened since I last wrote in here! I'll start with the fact that Bobby's job has just taken off! I can tell how happy he has become with being able to provide for me & Brandon. He works really long hrs driving his truck & trailer loaded with cars to L.A., SLC, Vegas, and occasionally Phoenix. But I can tell he likes his work and he likes the paychecks. Which isn't a whole ton but we are so grateful to be able to support ourselves and to start to really get back on our feet. It has taken quite a while to get to this point together but we are so happy now! We moved into our new place which is a house that we split with some roommates. They have the upstairs and we have the downstairs and so far the arrangement has all parties happy. I still have a few boxes that are unpacked... I'm a little afraid to completely unpack in case we have to move again soon, which we hopefully won't. I can't see why we would. Things are going great and the rent is super affordable & cheap. When we first moved into the place it took us 2 weeks (well more just me cause bobby was working) of painting, shampooing, and cleaning before I could even start to unpack! We got a puppy! A whole new ball game for me, she is a jack-russell terrier, mostly white with a black & brown mask on her face and she is the friendliest puppy ever! Her name is Hope and she has finally started to play with Brandon and I love to see that! We got her in the first place to be a friend to Brandon and it took a while for them to get used to the idea of being each others friend. Brandon still bullies her a little, not on purpose or anything, he just doesn't know what kind of attention to give her. But we are working on him being nice to the puppy :) Brandon is growing bigger every day and I love to watch him! He is learning his ABC's right now and his favorite letter is "O" he can pick it out anywhere! But he is starting to learn other letters and its amazing to see. He is talking more and more legibly everyday and his vocabulary is growing as well. He loves to race up and down the living room and kitchen floors yelling "Go! Go! Go!" and he does like to go go go. Everytime we step outside he points to the car and tries his hardest to drag me to the car so we can go somewhere. He doesn't seem to care where, just as long as we go! This morning Brandon painted the pumpkin Grandma Omer gave him for halloween, its a cute small pumpkin and just the right size! I first helped him paint a smiley face and then he thought it needed to be improved and he finished smearing the paint all over :) He did a great job! I love that he is finally at the point where he can be patient enough to sit and paint/draw/color. About 2 weeks ago my family had a scare when my older sister Corrie went to the hospital severely dehydrated and sick with viral meningitis. She is still recovering. I went up to her house for about a week and babysat her boys so she could stay at my sister Nicole's house and recover without the noise and distraction of being a mother.

I think that is about all that has been happening that is big since I last posted...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Pioneer Day!

So today is July 24th, Pioneer Day in Utah. There was a parade in town that I missed, but wanted to go to so that counts for something right? I am remembering all those wonderful pioneers and I'm very grateful that I didn't have to do their job. It's so hot outside and they had no comforts whatsoever. I am feeling very grateful for all my many blessings.

On another note, my sister, Nicole, is running for Cottonwood Heights, District 3 council, and she has a website,, and I just looked at it, reading thru it I was feeling some really strong swellings of pride. I am so lucky to have such a great role model. And Good Luck Nicole!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I have decided that even though I used to like cars I now HATE cars. Oh don't get me wrong I still appreciate them. I am grateful to be able to drive places, I like to go fast too. But since January we have had, let me think, 5 cars. And we now have one. They take up a lot of Bobby's spare time too because in order for our car of the moment to run he has to work on it alot to make sure it stays running. And then as soon as it gets running he would like to sell it! Sometimes it is necessary and other times he just gets tired of that particular car. I don't mind him having a hobby... I just wish it was one that was less expensive and time consuming. Blah. But on the upside he is getting amazing at fixing them up. This is good cause experience will help him get a job and help him know for sure that he would like a career in cars. Oh one neat thing that I hope will be a good thing is that Bobby is gonna get his CDL. His new boss is gonna pay for the test and he is gonna be studying his brain out starting tomorrow. I hope that he can get it done and not be too distracted.

Other than cars... I haven't been feeling that great since sunday. I wake up feeling like my stomach and back were beat a few times during the night. It wears off but will reveal itself at times. Plus I feel a little crampy... that I'm not sure if it is pms or something else? I hardly ever have cramps. I was reading online and I'm thinking it might be a mild case of endometriosis? Nothing too serious.

Brandon has been talking so much!! He says gucky for yucky, and he says tickle tickle and then actually tries to tickle you! And thinks is hilarious when you laugh for him and he keeps doing it until you distract him with something else lol. He was loving a laundry basket the other day and I have a picture but I haven't put it on the computer yet and I'm thinking I'm too lazy to do it right now ;)

I have a job interview for a pt receptionist position that I really hope I can get!! We really need some extra money right now!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just catching up

So I went to my sister-in-laws blog, but I wasn't expecting a blog... And it was really fun to read it and to get to know her and what is going on in her life a little more! So, now I decided that I would post in my own blog.
Okay so the past week has been a good week! Bobby found a new job installing devices in cars for a repo company, and he has been feeling better about himself :) and so me and Brandon are getting good repurcussions from that. Patrick and Joshua participated in the Utah Summer Games that take place in Cedar City every summer and Brandon & I went up to spend time with the family and to watch them race. We stayed in a 7 bedroom 4 bathroom house and it was pretty awesome! Everyone got their own room and bed for only $100 a night! That was a good deal. So we got to hang out and have alot of fun playing and helping each other. Brandon was having a little too much fun trying to figure out how to play nice with his little cousin Olivia lol. He would be soft for a minute and then push her away for some reason. He always felt bad when he was scolded for not being soft. He is still learning that concept of hard and soft. Josh and Patrick did great in their races and me and Susie had fun toting the kids around to watch the races. After the race Andrew took all of us to the Pizza factory which was really yummy but I got a headache shortly after :( Then Bobby arrived to take us home. But for some reason I was really tired so Brandon and me took a nap on the way home. When we got home the house was a mess and I was quite cranky for the rest of the day. Ha I'm just like my mom!!! The next day, or yesterday was Father's Day and it was a wonderful day!! Bobby got to sleep in, Brandon and I gave him the cards we had made and bought, had good food and just relaxed together all day! Plus Brandon and I went to church.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Phew... glad that's over with!

So, the past 2 weeks have been so hectic, stressful, and crazy! Bobby was trying to sell our nice integra, which he eventually successfully sold to a guy in Vegas. But only after making quite a few unsuccessful trips. Waste of gas & time. Then we had to move into a new place, which I like, but I ended up packing almost everything so that was kinda stressful. Then we had to move and then unpack, and I have almost completely unpacked all my stuff! Which I haven't done in over 6 months! So that actually feels really good to have all my stuff available once again. We have another new car. It's a white honda civic that came without a bumper, fenders, and came with, a busted in door. So its been taking some work to fix up... which is right up Bobby's aisle and he quite enjoys working on it. So Brandon is kinda sick, he has an ear infection, and has a bit of a cold, runny, stuffy nose, and now he has a little cough. Anyways, thats life. So now I want to go to Dental Assistant school, but I am a little short on cash cause of all the stuff going on. Anyways, thats all I got for now.

So, its been a very very very long time since I wrote on here!! lol So lots has been going on, Brandon is one years old now, and he is walking!! I am living in St. George with Bobby and working as a cashier at Wal-Mart, which I am grateful that I have a job, but I don't particularly like this job! I have lots of pics of me and Brandon, some are of Brandon at the water park, some are on a walk to the temple, and in those pics I have a new hair job going on that I really like :)