Sunday, March 21, 2010

Playing Catch-up!

Oh wow! It's been a while since I wrote in here, but I have been wanting to get more regular with Brandon & my journal entries and my friend Sarah gave me this great idea. If I write in this blog regularly and include me & Brandon and pics and then in a while I can just print it off and it will be easier for me and at the same time I'll be doing my journals! So first off, I'll start with me, I just recently started going back to school online, and so far it's going great! I finished my first class, each class lasts a month, and I got an A in the class! Yeah! So that was encouraging and I've started my second class and so far I have an A in that class but its only the first week so I have a bit of work ahead of me. I have fun doing my achievement day activities, the girls are great and I think we all have fun getting together. The last one my mom came up and taught all of us how to plant a garden and so that was really awesome! I'm kinda worried that Hope (our puppy) isn't pregnant because she was in heat just barely and she escaped and was running around for about 2 hrs so I'm hoping that even if she was with a male dog that she isn't prego. Okay so that was some catch-up about me, now to catch-up for Brandon. He is now over 3 ft tall! He is growing so fast and he really needs some new clothes but it's almost time for spring and summer clothes so I don't wanna go shopping yet! So for a few weeks he gets to wear pants that are a little too short for him. He is getting more and more proficient at the alphabet, he loves to point out letters! The only letter he has trouble with is W, he still thinks its an M. But all the rest he has no trouble with. I'm slowly introducing lower case letters and he has picked up on a few of them. He is also becoming more familiar with numbers. He obviously doesn't know what they are for but he can count to 3 and he knows them on paper. 2 is his favorite number although for me to tell him that he is 2 years old he gets a little upset cause he doesn't know what the heck I'm talking about :) Just this past friday he started counting to 3 and he did it without any prompting from mom or dad. He has this game where he has mom or dad count to 3 and say GO and he runs through the house, well he has been saying GO for a while now but has never counted and I've never even encouraged him to try, and just out of the blue I hear him count to 3, say GO and then run through the house! And he did this several times and he has done it the days following! YEAH!! I have such a smart boy! His vocabulary has been bursting out lately as well. He adds words to the ones he can say everyday and will now try to say words when I encourage it. Dad has taught him how to say the word "V-TEC" which he is super proud of. He is also starting to like to socialize with other kids his age. And he likes to actually play WITH them not just beside them. Okay so I think that's all for this week but I will post next week and I'll have pics from the week!


hey allie, those are some good pictures!
keep up the good work