So, its been a very very very long time since I wrote on here!! lol So lots has been going on, Brandon is one years old now, and he is walking!! I am living in St. George with Bobby and working as a cashier at Wal-Mart, which I am grateful that I have a job, but I don't particularly like this job! I have lots of pics of me and Brandon, some are of Brandon at the water park, some are on a walk to the temple, and in those pics I have a new hair job going on that I really like :)


Your pictures are too cute! It is good to see you are doing good and that Brandon is walking! I can't believe it, I swear it was recently he could only scoot.

Holy COW! you look adorable! i really love the hair! and as for Brandon... He's HUGE! the pictures are great and as for school, you should really look into scholarships. (poor, married, and with a kid are all good things for getting the gov to give you money for school)! I'm glad your thinking about dental assisting. it's a good job!