This week has not been the funnest week ever. Monday I read over my school assignments and got Brandon and I ready to go to Moapa to work on my parents CSA farm. When we got there Brandon immediately started playing with his aunt Summer, who he has started to call Bumbum or something like that, and I got to work planting some cabbage with my mom. My dad and Josh were both gone in SLC while we were there so there was tons of work to do. And since it was just us girls there, (mom, me, traci, & summer) we had a girls night family home evening where we sat on the floor and ate popcorn and fruit and reminisced about our favorite family vacations. We were going to paint our toenails too but we were all too exhausted from all the hard work we had done until 7:30 that night. In the morning we got right to work picking vegetables, cleaning them, dividing them up for the baskets and then putting them into the baskets. We got all this accomplished by 10:00 and then Traci & I took the truck and drove to Las Vegas to deliver all the baskets. This was my 3rd time doing the deliveries and it went very smoothly. I only had to turn around once and never got lost. I did get in a bit of trouble at the very last delivery because it is a housing community with a gate and a guard and I tried to "run the gate" behind someone who had opened it with a gate opener and the guard let me know that that was not allowed! Oops ;) After the incident with the guard I delivered Daniel & Kara their baskets and got to stay and visit for a few minutes because I got done a few minutes early with all the other deliveries. At least for me. That was so fun to see all their girls and to talk to them. I don't get to see them nearly enough. I wish Brandon had been with me so he could play with them too! Anyways, Brandon did great all day with his Grandma and his Aunt Summer. He just loves to go and visit them! He gets to play outside and jump on the trampoline! In fact he likes the tramp so much that it gets a little tedious. He would love to just jump for hours but it gets hard for the babysitter to just sit there and watch lol. But Summer is such a good sport :) The only bad thing that happened the whole trip was that while we were there Summer got a little sick, and it didn't get her real sick but since Wednesday morning Brandon has had a runny nose and has been a little ornery. And since Thursday I've been sick! Ugh! Not so nice! I think we are all starting to get over it today but its been a miserable last couple of days. The only things we have really done since Wednesday have been to go to wal-mart and go shopping, and to play in the back yard. Yesterday I started to clear out a little area in the back yard in which to plant my tomato plants, green pepper plants, cilantro, basil, onions, and flowers. I am actually excited to plant them and get some veggies and herbs for my cooking :) On the note of school, I finished my last two assignments yesterday because I was procrastinating all week because I didn't feel good. All I have wanted to do this week is to sleep! Oh, I'm getting more worried that Hope might be pregnant. She has been sleeping a TON this week, like she did when we first got her, and her belly is starting to widen a little where it used to be nice and slim! Oh I really hope she isn't! I'm not equipped to deal with a dog pregnancy and birth! Anyways, I think that is all my news for this week!
Brandon & Aunt Summer hanging out on his Lightning McQueen bed.
Posted by:
Mrs. Allie Gentry