I have decided that even though I used to like cars I now HATE cars. Oh don't get me wrong I still appreciate them. I am grateful to be able to drive places, I like to go fast too. But since January we have had, let me think, 5 cars. And we now have one. They take up a lot of Bobby's spare time too because in order for our car of the moment to run he has to work on it alot to make sure it stays running. And then as soon as it gets running he would like to sell it! Sometimes it is necessary and other times he just gets tired of that particular car. I don't mind him having a hobby... I just wish it was one that was less expensive and time consuming. Blah. But on the upside he is getting amazing at fixing them up. This is good cause experience will help him get a job and help him know for sure that he would like a career in cars. Oh one neat thing that I hope will be a good thing is that Bobby is gonna get his CDL. His new boss is gonna pay for the test and he is gonna be studying his brain out starting tomorrow. I hope that he can get it done and not be too distracted.
Other than cars... I haven't been feeling that great since sunday. I wake up feeling like my stomach and back were beat a few times during the night. It wears off but will reveal itself at times. Plus I feel a little crampy... that I'm not sure if it is pms or something else? I hardly ever have cramps. I was reading online and I'm thinking it might be a mild case of endometriosis? Nothing too serious.
Brandon has been talking so much!! He says gucky for yucky, and he says tickle tickle and then actually tries to tickle you! And thinks is hilarious when you laugh for him and he keeps doing it until you distract him with something else lol. He was loving a laundry basket the other day and I have a picture but I haven't put it on the computer yet and I'm thinking I'm too lazy to do it right now ;)
I have a job interview for a pt receptionist position that I really hope I can get!! We really need some extra money right now!
Posted by:
Mrs. Allie Gentry